Life's a roller coaster and I'm not strapped in.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

mis amigos.......

"Friends are angels that lift us to our feet when our wings forget how to fly..."

So, the past 48 hours were pretty intense for me. I know things got ridiculous and that I freaked out pretty bad, but I was so amazed by how awesome you guys were. I went to bed comforted by the fact that God has blessed me with some of the best friends that I could ever ask for. I took my away message down last night, and almost immediately I was bombarded with IM's from you guys making sure that I was ok. My wonderful roommates were there to listen to me think out loud and they really helped me think clearly when I was overwhelmed with irrational thoughts. One of my best friends called almost on cue when I needed a reason to smile. I dunno, it all added up, and when there was no comfort in my situation, I remembered that I've already established great friendships with amazing, wonderful people that I know will never go away. That, my friends, is such a special gift that I'm glad we've been able to give ourselves. So, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for being so friggin' awesome!

Here's a couple shout outs to my special peeps, and just because I don't put you on here doesn't mean that I don't love you! Names are in alphabetical order to avoid showing favoritism because I love you all the same!

Daniel - you are something know how to make me smile more than anyone I've ever known. Thanks for caring and for never failing to check on me. You really are like my brother, and I appreciate you taking care of me. I love you forever!

Jamie - You've always been there. Period. Your words of comfort mean so much, and your faith brings me optimism through my darkest times. Thanks so much for ALWAYS being there.

Jojo - you're pretty ridiculous sometimes, but you and your shit-eatin' grin always make me feel better. I'm really sorry we don't get to hang out as much as we used to. Just remember that my phone is always on, and you promised to get drunk with me Fri.......I'm holding you to it! luv ya!

Kit - I don't know how you do it, but you always make me feel like a bagillion dollars. Your guidance and honesty through the years have made all the difference. Thanks for keeping everything simple for me and for being so amazing. It means more to me than you'll ever know.......**muah** (there's some suga suga for ya!)

KT - I honestly don't know what I would do without you. You've helped me keep my sanity through A LOT and you've always defended me up till the very end. I love the memories that we've made and all the random shit we come up with together! You're very special to me and I love you!

Kyle - sometimes, I don't know why you care, but you do, and I cherish that more than you'll know. Thanks for putting up with me. I know it's tough, but I'm so glad that I have someone I can tell everything to. You're awesome, kid!

Matt P. - Ya know, I could go on for a good while about you.....seriously.......but I just hope you know that you're awesome, and if we're still single when we're like 30, you might just have to marry me, k? I heart you bunches!

Nicki - your honesty opens doors to new wisdom more everyday, and I appreciate you for never faultering to appreciate who I am. With you, my sorrows are divided and my joys are multiplied. And I love when you laugh at how retarded I am! I love you bunches and thanks for being you.

Staisha - sometimes, when I think no one understands, someway, somehow, you are the one who seems to understand the logic in the craziness that goes on in my head. That's very special which explains why you are my very best friend. You know me better than anyone I know, and I'm so proud of what we've been through and can't wait to see where we'll go. You are da bombdizzle! I love you!

Yay, someone be proud of me for writing a pleasant blog.......there wasn't too much complaining or too much was just right. Thanks y'all for all that you do. It speaks volumes more than you'll ever know....


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