Life's a roller coaster and I'm not strapped in.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The OB/GYN turns into a vampire...

So, turns out I may not quite have the spare time to really update this thing like a should, but since I don't think I really have any followers, I don't really feel that bad....oops!  But so my story continues. So we were given the green light to try again, and of course we did, but to no avail.  :(  I must admit, I've gotten pregnant on the first try with my last two pregnancies that I think I went into "trying" thinking that, well, of course I would get pregnant!  I did everything the same, though there were some things that went a little differently.  For starters, I had 5 days of positive ovulation tests which I'm pretty sure isn't normal, but the doctor didn't seem very concerned about it.  I was instructed to just go by the first one, which we did, but of course I'm concerned that maybe I ovulated later than I thought (if I even ovulated at all) which may be why it didn't work out this time.  And of course I Googled reasons for having multiple days of positive ovulation tests and the only real thing I found was that it may be a symptom of PCOS....ok, we'll add it to the list of differentials.

The other thing that we did this cycle was my doctor took some labs on cycle day 3 to see if he can figure out what the problem may be.  11 vials of blood later, I found out that everything was mostly normal.  Mostly, except my estradiol was waaaaaay high.  Like 278 when it's supposed to be less than 80.  Like 1st trimester of pregnancy high.  Ok--let's Google that one.  Could be indicative of ovarian cysts.  Well, my doctor also did a sonohystogram which included an ultrasound of my ovaries and uterus, and my ovaries were cyst-free so couldn't really figure that one out.  Then the doctor recommended that we do a Clomid Challenge Test.  Apparently, when the estradiol levels are that high, they can mask the FSH levels to looking normal, so by doing the Clomid Challenge Test, we're going to see what my brain does with my FSH levels in the absence of estrogen which apparently the Clomid is going to neutralize.  Basically, we're testing my ovarian reserve because bad quality eggs can lead to more chromosomal abnormalities in the embryos and thus, more miscarriages.

Enter sheer terror.

Obviously I don't know the interventions to look at if this test doesn't work out like I hope, and it's still so crazy to look into my daughter's eyes every single day and wonder how she came to be if I have all these issues now.  She's my miracle, and I love her, and maybe I'm crazy to want to question God's plan now because perhaps He's giving me all I really need.  I don't know, all I know is that I need to stay off Google.  And pray.  Because none of this is in my control, but we serve a faithful Lord, and I just know He will give me the desires of my heart.

Prayers are coveted, and I thank you so much for praying with me!  Until next time...


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